Take Time To Reflect

Once in awhile,
as a writer,
take the time
to stop and take a moment
to know that
you connected with someone,
somewhere in this world,
with your words
chosen from
your heart,
and soul
Never give up
your passion for writing
share your story
with the world
your voice
needs to be told

Mid-Life Reflections #10


We live in a world where the hustle and bustle of life constantly keeps us on the move.  It’s like we shift our focus from one thing to the next without a chance to rest.  If we’re not doing something that keeps us preoccupied then we feel nervous, anxious even; a feeling of being unproductive comes into play.  No matter what station in life we’re at, we should always take the time to stop, breath and soak in our surroundings.  Pause our life for a moment to appreciate anything and everything we take for granted.  It’s so easy to overlook the little things that’s a part of our lives…nature, air, water, family, friends, pets, the place we live, technology that helps us to communicate with others, vehicles that transports us to faraway places, electricity.  It’s just some of the stuff that makes our lives comfortable.  Taking a time out helps us to reflect on our lives and gives introspection on what we value most dearly.  It’s a way of pressing the reset button and re-energizing ourselves to fight the good fight that all of us are doing just to get by and survive in this chaotic world that we live in.  So stop and smell the roses, take in a deep breath and soak in that sunshine; relish being alive and be thankful for all the things that get us through the day.

Mid-Life Reflections #8

With my son graduating 8th grade yesterday and my daughter set to graduate from high school this Saturday, I look back with fond memories of them when they were just mere babies to who they are now and what they are becoming.  I am literally amazed at what they can do and what they can accomplish.  Granted my wife and I gave them the tools to navigate their way through life but they managed perfectly using their own sense and sensibilities.  Everything that they’ve achieved so far was due to their unique personality and innate traits; their exterior demeanor belies their true potential.  It is because of this that I cherish being a parent.  My children’s vim and vigor, no holds barred quest to grab a hold of what the world has to offer and run with it, is truly inspiring.  It keeps me on my toes, anxiously waiting to see what unfolds for them and how they’ll astound us.  Reflecting on my children’s journey into adulthood overwhelms me with pride and joy and is one of life’s gifts that I am truly honored to accept.

My Meaning In Life



There are times

when I often wonder

“What is my purpose in life?”

This conundrum,

this perplexing dilemma

hinders my daily progress

“Do I continue as I’ve been?”

“Or do I alter my path?”

With deep contemplation

and extensive introspection

I’ve learned that

I have no real true goal

As long as I let my heart

guide my intentions

and lead my actions,

my journey has meaning

Striving not for

fame, wealth or success,

but achieving self-worth,

being of value,

spreading my love and light

Contributing to the pool

of goodwill and positivity

in this world

is what I was meant to do.

Mid-Life Reflections #6


Recently I’ve been contemplating life and reminiscing about my younger self.  When I was in my early teens on up into my 20’s, I used to wonder how I measured up to others in the world.  I would readily compare myself to family, friends, colleagues or working professionals; did I make a certain amount of income, hold a respected position in a company, have a high status in society or did something that was of importance or value to the public? 

I did my utmost to emulate them but to no avail.  I sold myself on a bill of goods that I knew was unattainable.  Why was it impossible?  It’s because they were living their life and pursuing their goals and dreams.  I had forgotten all about what I wanted to do with myself.  I was so busy worrying about catching up to them that I flat out ignored my passion, my dreams. 

When I finally woke up, I realized that I had a new lease on life.  My trajectory in this world was on a different course from everyone all together and it was my goal to make it happen.  I cared less about the status, fame and wealth of others and started to explore new things, take chances, make tons of mistakes, sought answers and learned to never give up.

It’s through this self-realization that I am where I’m supposed to be right at this moment.  It’s a never ending, constantly changing state that I’m okay with.  Why? Because it’s my life.

So don’t be so influenced by other people’s place in life that you neglect your own.  You have a destiny that needs to be fulfilled by none other than you.  So go out into the world and epically fail so that you can tremendously succeed at what you were meant to be!

To Live Another Day


As I sit here in front of my computer

pondering life

and all its wondrous possibilities,

I can’t help but reminisce

about precious memories

shared with



and loved ones

To have such treasured moments

is truly priceless

Knowing that a point in time

created feelings of

unbridled love,

pure joy

and non-stop laughter,

puts a smile on my face

To go through something that can’t

be recreated

is magical

But knowing that

the future presents opportunities

to experience similar feelings again

is what makes me

live for another day.

Midlife Reflections #3


The past couple of days, I’ve pondered on my life’s journey and what it took to get me here today.  It was a smooth ride that had numerous speed bumps and detours along the way.

I’ve had days when I hit the jackpot and everything went my way; even my mistakes and miscues resulted in a favorable outcome.

AND THEN there were those days where anything and everything went horribly wrong; where life put me in a loop and a series of jokes slapped me in the face one after another.

Regardless of what kind of day, week, month or year I had, I somehow survived; I lived to tell the tale and more often than not, I remembered in detail all of the good that I encountered.

Throughout all of my life’s experiences, I’ve come to the realization that sometimes my greatest memory can be my worst enemy.  Relishing and reminiscing about all those happy times brought about a false sense of thinking; that everything would result in something wonderful.

It was good to have a positive outlook but I needed to embrace all the bad that happened in my life wholeheartedly.  With every failed attempt I grew closer to success.

With much introspection, I’ve learned to value everything that crossed my path.  It helped me to be strong, wise, compassionate, focused, determined and grateful.  Life is way too short, so “Find the beauty in every moment” and bring out the best in yourself.



With 2016 winding down, I ,like many others reflect on what took place in our lives and put things into perspective.  As I was doing my year end house cleaning, I stumbled upon a picture of my beloved dog “Tigger”several years removed from our lives; attached was a note that I had penned soon after his passing.

I read through it and reflected on how important he was to me and my family and wanted to share how I felt at that time with you.

“Today a part of me died,

you left a void within my heart that can never be replaced

You touched my life in ways that you could never imagine

I sit here trying to think of a word to best describe you

But no words can describe what you truly meant to me

You were my best friend for the past 18 years

and you did everything in your heart for me

You made me laugh and smile

and comforted me when I was scared

You protected me when I was asleep

and kept me company when I was alone

In your little funny ways,

you made me see what life was about

I will miss you with all my heart;

your perky ears, your jovial bark, and your gentle lick

It will be hard to face life without you by my side

Your support and love made me feel invincible

Your gift of love

was the best gift I ever received from you

For that I am most grateful

I’m so lucky and honored that you came into my life

For the rest of my life, I am in debt to you

Tigger…you taught me what love really is,

to give it and to receive it

you will never be forgotten

because you have a special place within my heart forever

Whenever I think of love or share it,

you will come to mind

you will live on in the love I give to others

Thank you Tigger,

thank you for choosing me,

thank you for being there for me

and caring with your heart.”

All That You Are

Are you the answer to my question?

Could it be you my love?

It makes me crazy wondering

if it’s you that’s my true love?

You give so much of yourself

to remind me that love is near

To search the feeling within my heart

will make it crystal clear

You’re the person, my answer,

my one and only love

You’re a gift sent special to me

straight from heaven above

To find an answer to true love

I needn’t go to far

For your heart reflects true love within and…

All that you are

Your sweet, caring smile

your warm and honest face

the caress of your loving hands

your soft and gentle embrace

You opened up my eyes

and turned my life around

You made me see true beauty,

showed me new joys abound

All because of you-

my dreams are close at hand,

my life is much more clearer,

my love is oh so grand

The warmth and kindness that you gave,

the strength you instilled in me,

your heart and soul is with me now-

with you I’ll always be

I’ve never known anyone

who could do these things to me,

You’ve shown me what love’s all about

you’ve taught the blind to see

The reflection in your eyes show me

that together, our love will go far,

for love reflects true beauty and…

All that you are

You’re a gift that’s truly priceless,

an angel from above

a heart filled with true beauty,

with an endless supply of love

All that you are,

all because of you,

my love has found a special place

my dearest, I love you.