It’s A Marathon, Not A Sprint

Writing is a journey
that’s not instant or passive
it is not completely result oriented
It’s a process of
delayed gratification
It’s an ongoing routine
that takes consistent training
over months and even years
Though the result is creating
art through your words,
the real reward is
the blueprint to perfecting your craft
the person that you become
To show up persistently
and put forth the effort,
it’s what you as a writer does
because that’s your nature
Someone willing
to expose and share
your emotions and heart
through prose

Meant To Be

Don’t try to rush or force things
Your words need to flow freely
one word at a time
The words you choose
from your inner voice
are fulfilling a destiny
that was preordained
for you to share them
to the world
at the right time

Always Bet On Yourself

Always bet on yourself
When the skeptics chime in
and shoot down your ideas
Always bet on yourself
When the detractors give you the odds
stacked against you
Always bet on yourself
When the critics
try to break your will
Always bet on yourself
Your dreams and life’s goals
are kept alive
when your resilience, hope, drive, passion and heart
are nurtured through your belief
that against
seemingly insurmountable obstacles
you will be triumphant
So block out the unwanted noise,
have faith and…
Always bet on yourself!”

Life Is A Blur

Life is a blur,
so stop
take the time
to bring things into focus
Spend time
with family, friends and loved ones
Do things that are
amazingly great or
incredibly stupid
Life is a blur,
so make sure you take a snapshot
of those special moments
it’ll last you a lifetime


you need to embrace what’s in front of you
instead of fighting it
whatever happens,
is out of our control
in order to move forward,
you need to take a step back
we need to fail
in order to succeed
And sometimes, just sometimes…
things line up perfectly
and everything goes your way
So have a little faith
if you have a case of the “sometimes”

You Are So Much Better

Don’t self sabotage yourself
by saying you’re not
or feeling like you’re
That takes a toll on you
both physically and mentally
You’re truly unique
and have the capability
to do great
You just need to constantly
remind yourself of that
until you
believe to be true