
Sometime when we are
stressed, depressed, worried or have anxiety,
being alone in our thoughts
can be unhealthy
So take a step back, breath,
clear your mind
and make it a point
to seek out family and friends
Spending time with them
will reset your perspective on life
and will help you gain insight
The wonders of
friendly advice, loving support and good laughs
will do your soul wonders
So relax, for it’s not the end of the world
You will get through it and
come out stronger in the end
with a robust confidence
backed by an eternal well of hope

Being Genuine

Being kind and caring
is a gentle art
Display your inner self,
share love from your heart
Showing compassion
is a tremendous virtue
Be there for those in need,
valuable words bring clear view
Giving of yourself
brings out all that you are
Spread love and respect,
in life you’ll go far.

Life’s Blessings


Every day when I wake,

I take stock in what I have…

the strength from loved ones,

devotion from my family,

support from my friends,

affection from my pets,

my strong faith in God

Because of these simple things,

I take comfort in knowing

that I can take on…

any challenge,

face any dilemma,

make life changing judgements

without hesitation and total clarity

Because life is all about…

seeing what’s around us,

having an appreciation for all that we have,

a sense of gratitude for things we are given,

and the  knowledge for making a difference,

not just in our lives

but in that of others

It is only then,

when we realize this

that we will truly feel

we’ve been bequeathed with

life’s blessings.


Spreading Sunshine


As you go through life

be there for the people around you…

loved ones,



those in need

Be the foundation for their support,

lend a shoulder to cry on,

give a big, tender hug,

share a warm, caring smile,

bring humor to the table

Displaying your light

with unabashed pride,

that’s how

you make everything better…


“spreading sunshine”
