Always Go Through

As you face obstacles in your life, go through them. Never go around them just because you are afraid. You’re cheating yourself. Going through the obstacles you encounter will help you to garner all the richness that your character has to offer.

Stop…and Appreciate



Despite all the bumps,
and falls
along the way…
the journey is what makes us
But every now
and again
on your journey,
take a moment
to pause…
look back
and see just how far you’ve come
say to yourself,
“Hey, I’ve done alright so far.”
Stand tall,
and be proud
of where you started,
where you are at this very moment
where you’re destined to be.






An Eternal Optimist


In the face of

insurmountable odds

and naysayers doubting

your ability

You have to have



know yourself

inside and out

Develop a keen foresight

and inner confidence

Have the drive

to fight and persevere

Knowing it will be enough

to overcome everything

Once you can do that,

a spark of hope

springs from an endless well

that leaves you with a sense of

unbridled enthusiasm

A beacon at the end of the tunnel

that will never dissipate

When you can truly feel this way

accept it as canon,

that’s when you know you’re

an eternal optimist.

Forever Strong


We wish good times would last,

that feeling of no tomorrow,

but we know that’s not the case

How does one stay strong

in the midst of the dark

When your life is riddled with







We try to summon every ounce of






even false bravado

to overcome our trials and tribulations

We will never know how strong we are

until strong is the only choice we have

In the end if we do this, we’ll be

resilient in hard times,

fearless of the unknown,

eternally optimistic,

steadfast in our mind’s eye,


forever strong.

The Three P’s


We all have tons of dreams

some big, some average, some small

Achieving them in our lifetime

is the common theme for us all

The map to our success

is following these three views

Learning them by heart

will help us avoid any miscues

 Patience, Persistence & Perseverance

also known as “The Three P’s

Commit them to one’s memory

is a MUST I do decree

Biding our time without complaint

having “Patience” is the key

The journey’s just beginning

in bringing our dreams to reality

 “Persistence” will outlast talent

staying the course, when all else fails

We must get up after every fall

towards our dream we will prevail

 In spite of all the difficulties

and the strong urge not to quit

Perseverance” dictates our true passion

we’ll get there…bit by bit

 So pursue your dreams to the ends of the earth

learn “The Three P’s” & follow through

You’ll reach your goals and then much more

of this I promise you.


A Spark Of Hope


Ever have one of those days when things just don’t seem to go your way or situations pop up that test your limits?  We’re all faced with that time and time again; believe me, I’ve had my share ten times over and then some.  There are other that have it even worse. 

 What I’m most curious about is how others cope with their personal struggles.  How do they keep positive in light of all the bad things that are happening to them?  What gives them the drive to face their dilemma head on and never give up?

 When problems arise in my life, my “doom and gloom meter” starts to rise and my mind starts to go into overdrive about all the things I could’ve done to avoid this mess.  My outlook starts to look depressingly hopeless and my daily routines are all out of whack.

 I start to do normal things on auto-pilot all the while racking my brain on how to solve my problems or obstacles so that I can get back on track and live normally again. 

 When this happens, I start to get into a funk and feel like “Why does this always happen to me and when will it all end!  Can’t I just get a break?!”  Just when I see there is no solution to my turbulent mess, “a spark of hope” appears out of nowhere.


 For me, that can come in the form of my dog greeting me at Mach speed with unconditional love and adoration.  A big bear hug from my wife. It can even come from watching my kids simply do their homework or observing family members go about their daily routine.  It’s amazing how something so small and mundane can make a difference.

 Just the mere sight of them snaps me out of my much misaligned chaotic demeanor.  It’s weird but seeing something like that, just soaking in those positive things gives me hope. Remembering all the good times and feeling so blessed to have a family like mine helps a lot; knowing that I overcame previous predicaments helps in the process.  Maybe subconsciously I know that I have their undying love and support in my corner and I know I’m not facing my predicaments alone.  

 Can’t really explain it; I get a renewed sense of energy and endless possibilities about my life explode in my head…AND it’s all good.  It feels as if nothing in the world can stop me from accomplishing anything and everything! 

It’s funny how something so simple can become a beacon of unbridled optimism.  Life doesn’t appear so bleak and I’m enthusiastically anticipating what’s in store for me in an hour, a day, a week or months from now.  I begin to envision a more desirable and successful future for myself which might or might not happen.  Who cares?!

 My “spark of hope” is all that matters in driving my life forward.  As long as I have that grain of reverie then everything is fine.

 I can’t fathom how this process works but I’m just truly grateful that this “spark of hope” can do wonders for me.  I just pray that this sparkle continues to light all of the dark and hard times that I’ll encounter in my life.
